
The route is designed to traverse all 77 Chicago Community Zones while optimizing safety, scenery, and speed to accomplish the Tour de Chi. 

This is an extreme event! The route requires us to travel on some of the busier roadways in the City of Chicago alongside automobile traffic. Safety will always be the number one priority and precautions should be made - lights, highly visible clothing, and riding in a group are essential practices. 

To travel to all 77 Community Zones, nearly 150 miles must be ridden. Chicago is BIG! 

It works out quite well that the South Side can be accomplished in a clean and more manageable 100 miles! This opens up the opportunity for riders to explore the South Side while also accomplishing a very big ride. If so desired, the remaining 50 or so miles can be ridden another time. 

Shorter route options are supported and we are never too far from a CTA station if needed. 

I, Benjamin O'Malley, as the current director, will be a participating rider and focusing on supporting our peloton. I am super excited for this ride and cannot wait to be a part of this adventure!!! There are so many unique areas of Chicago and to see them all in one day is an amazing experience.